

Gulp helpers for Velvet.

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Support the dependencies of ronik-design/velvet-gulp

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Make a new GitHub release from git metadata.
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Bump npm versions with Gulp (
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A simple in-memory file cache for gulp
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Generate a changelog using conventional-changelog.
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Git plugin for gulp (
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Conditionally run a task
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Include or exclude gulp files from the stream based on a condition
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gulp plugin to send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors to Mac OS X, Linux or Windows using the node-notifier module. Fallbacks to Growl or simply logging
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Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins
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PostCSS gulp plugin
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Gulp plugin for sass
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Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
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Watch, that actually is an endless stream
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Simple and fast NodeJS internal caching. Node internal in memory cache like memcached.
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Wrapper around libsass
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A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)
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A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limit
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Run a series of dependent gulp tasks in order
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A tiny wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (Streams2/3) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
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Packs ECMAScript/CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows you to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Supports loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.
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Custom parser for ESLint
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SVG sprites & stacks galore — Gulp plugin wrapping around svg-sprite that reads in a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and creates SVG sprites and CSS resources in various flavours
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Gulp plugin to resize image using sharp (libvips binding for nodejs)
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Gulp plugin to resize image using sharp (libvips binding for nodejs)
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Velvet is a modular, fast, static-site generator that looks a lot like Jekyll and can be easily incorporated into Gulp-based workflows.
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ESLint shareable config for Ronik Design.

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mshick's profile
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