

Bump any version in any file which supports semver with gulp (

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Support the dependencies of stevelacy/gulp-bump

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The semantic version parser used by npm.
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A tiny wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (Streams2/3) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions
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bump RegEx with semver

Support the repos that depend on stevelacy/gulp-bump

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Smart task generator for gulp to get a build pipeline and more in seconds.
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A JavaScript library to help you extend Reveal.js, the HTML Presentation Framework
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Basic development setup for Triple JS projects
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Generic workflow management for Garlic Tech projects.
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A sharable Wok task to bump a file version with semver
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A helper for common tasks to build bitcore modules
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Common gulp tasks
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Gulp tasks for Este.js
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Sasscoc theme with heavy weighting to codeformatting that matches the atom text editor
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Unleash your code into the wild yonder
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Simple AngularJS Read More Directive
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Various Tasks for Managing Task Modules
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Common gulp tasks
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A JavaScript SDK for splitmulti
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A helper for common tasks to build bitcore modules'
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A helper for common tasks to build unitedcore modules'
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A helper for common tasks to build ufocore modules'
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A JavaScript SDK for splitmulti
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Gulp helpers for Velvet.
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slush es6 module generator and maintainer
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Tiled map image generator, part of quest-engine stack.

Top contributors

stephenlacy's profile
117 contributions
stevelacy's profile
9 contributions
tomchentw's profile
5 contributions
mikaelbr's profile
4 contributions
mgcrea's profile
3 contributions
Kingdutch's profile
2 contributions
coliff's profile
2 contributions
pgilad's profile
2 contributions
geminorum's profile
2 contributions
scamden's profile
2 contributions

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