

Minimalistic Immediate Mode GUI toolkit for WebGL

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Support the dependencies of erkaman/pnp-gui

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WebGL shader wrapper
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A string hashing function based on Daniel J. Bernstein's popular 'times 33' hash algorithm.
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Create a WebGL context now!
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webgl-noise shaders ported to work with glslify
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A node.js-style module system for GLSL!
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Clamp a value between two other values
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WebGL buffer wrapper
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gl-matrix's mat4, split into smaller pieces
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WebGL texture wrapper
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gl-matrix's vec2, split into smaller pieces
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Package an image into a requireable module
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The Stanford bunny
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Generate 3d box geometry
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A helper module that allows you to recover the camera position from a view matrix.
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Transform geometry positions with a 4x4 transformation matrix.
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A flexible wrapper for gl-vao and gl-buffer that you can use to set up renderable WebGL geometries from a variety of different formats.
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gl-matrix's vec3, split into smaller pieces
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Estimates normals for meshes
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Orbiting 3D camera for WebGL
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Create array with random numbers
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The Stanford Dragon
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Computes the bounding box of a set of vertices

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106 contributions

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