

:mortar_board: A workshopper for GLSL shaders and graphics programming

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Support the dependencies of stackgl/shader-school

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local development server that aims to make using browserify fast and fun
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browserify fs.readFileSync() static asset inliner
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browser-side require() the node way
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Small module for fitting a canvas element within the bounds of its parent.
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Clamp a value between two other values
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Selectively replace Node-style environment variables with plain strings.
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Javascript Matrix and Vector library for High Performance WebGL apps
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A node.js-style module system for GLSL!
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Syntax highlighting with language autodetection.
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A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
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insert a string of css into the <head>
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A markdown parser built for speed
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Multidimensional Arrays
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escape regular expression characters
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requestAnimationFrame polyfill for node and the browser
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Removes an element from the DOM
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Plugin framework for CSS preprocessing
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Draws a big triangle
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A simple browser module for displaying stacking notifications
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The baboon test image
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A browser-friendly implementation of substack's terminal-menu
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CommonJS port of George Hart's polyhedral notation library
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A simple static file server middleware
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Given a child element, climb up the DOM and find the first parent element matching your criteria
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Renders axes for WebGL plots
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WebGL buffer wrapper
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Visually compare two webgl render loops on the fly
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A sidebar UI for gl-compare
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A shorthand module for creating a new WebGL context and basic animation loop.
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Frame buffer object wrapper for WebGL
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Compare two gl-fbo instances' contents for matching pixels.
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WebGL texture wrapper
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Vertex array object wrapper/shim for WebGL
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a JSON-structured documentation of all WebGL GLSL predefined functions, constants, types, qualifiers,...
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A browserify transform that transparently enables live reloading of your shaders when using glslify.
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A small helper library for embedding Google Fonts on your page.
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Given a list of vertices and faces, generate the normals for a triangle mesh.
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A module for getting the current mouse position on an element, designed for use in games and animations.
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Simple module to detect if a mouse button is pressed or not.
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Lp distance between ndarrays
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Import CSS from npm modules using rework
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Get the quickest, most high-resolution timestamp possible in node or the browser

Support the repos that depend on stackgl/shader-school

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Install and run Nodeschool workshoppers locally
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NodeSchool npm package to install all workshops

Top contributors

mikolalysenko's profile
176 contributions
hughsk's profile
80 contributions
mdda's profile
10 contributions
dy-dx's profile
4 contributions
chrisdickinson's profile
2 contributions
yoshuawuyts's profile
2 contributions
hamoid's profile
1 contributions
dhritzkiv's profile
1 contributions
dannyfritz's profile
1 contributions
acerix's profile
1 contributions

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