

A static file server middleware that works with core http, express or on the CLI!

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of jfhbrook/node-ecstatic

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A robust HTML entities encoder/decoder with full Unicode support.
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A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
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parse argument options
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Join urls and normalize as in path.join.
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Airbnb's base JS ESLint config, following our styleguide
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Simplified HTTP request client.
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A Test-Anything-Protocol library for JavaScript
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Get the content charset from header and html content-type.
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Newline character converter

Support the repos that depend on jfhbrook/node-ecstatic

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Tiny LiveReload server that watches a single directory
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Command-line http server with gzipping and fallback support
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write tests for browser code
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WebTorrent, the streaming torrent client. For the command line.
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Transform stream that executes JavaScript it receives in a real browser and outputs console output
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Super minimal browserify development server. Inspired by [beefy](http://npmjs.org/beefy) but with less magic
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Set of utilites for fedtools within nodejs
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learn browserify with this educational adventure
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Self directed GLSL lessons
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Renders snippets on demand
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A simple zero-configuration command-line http server
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Terminal app for learning Git and GitHub
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git push blog server
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Browserify bundling + static server in one!
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HTTP handler for serving browserify bundles
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local Node/Browser development with Chrome DevTools
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Self guided workshop for learning the basics of Pattern Lab.
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add Mozilla Persona user login and LevelDB based session storage to node web apps
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Stream and send data, terminal to web and vice versa.
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silly oscilloscope
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A terminal workshop runner framework
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CodeCamp Kit is a module that is designed to get your workshop up and going quickly and with a well documented review process.
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A terminal workshop runner framework
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Runs browserify in a server
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Input that converts comma separated words to tags
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A simple tool to generate web sites.
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generate html- and markdown-endpoints based on flowee (swagger) model
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A wrapper for the Whook HTTP Router to provide SwaggerUI for local dev
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A transmission based web interface for webtorrent
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Converts given currency pair and value.
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Easily host a private web site authenticated by email address only
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command line server + browserify
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A command line http-server based on the popular http-server npm module able to work behind proxy.

Top contributors

jfhbrook's profile
379 contributions
dotnetCarpenter's profile
53 contributions
jonahoffline's profile
13 contributions
jakeburden's profile
7 contributions
thornjad's profile
6 contributions
jessetane's profile
6 contributions
leesei's profile
6 contributions
mmalecki's profile
5 contributions
TehShrike's profile
4 contributions
SirAnthony's profile
4 contributions

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