

Figma to Penpot converter and synchronizer, to not maintain multiple platforms 🎨🖌️

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Support the dependencies of sneko/figpot

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Transform a string between `camelCase`, `PascalCase`, `Capital Case`, `snake_case`, `kebab-case`, `CONSTANT_CASE` and others
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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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A directed and undirected multi-graph library
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get dimensions of any image file
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A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.
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Math.js is an extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js. It features a flexible expression parser with support for symbolic computation, comes with a large set of built-in functions and constants, and offers an integrated solution to work with different data types like numbers, big numbers, complex numbers, fractions, units, and matrices.
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Small, fast, zero dependency deep object and array comparison
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Fix broken node modules with no fuss
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A high-level API to automate web browsers
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Simple GIT interface for node.js
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Slugifies a String
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TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library with static type inference
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A prettier plugins to sort imports in provided RegEx order
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TypeScript definitions for content-type
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TypeScript definitions for jest
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript definitions for uuid
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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Git commit, but play nice with conventions.
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Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms
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Commitizen adapter following the conventional-changelog format.
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Loads environment variables from .env file
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Infer strong typings for commander options and action handlers
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Inquirer prompts, combined in a single package
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TypeScript definitions for graphlib
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TypeScript definitions for set-cookie-parser
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Node/Js-module for parsing and making sense of ISO8601-durations
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JSON.Stringify as a readable stream
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A small, no-dependency lib for converting to and from roman numerals
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Chain functions as transform streams.
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stream-json is the micro-library of Node.js stream components for creating custom JSON processing pipelines with a minimal memory footprint. It can parse JSON files far exceeding available memory streaming individual primitives using a SAX-inspired API. Includes utilities to stream JSON database dumps.
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A parser for SVG's path syntax
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Extend native Error to create custom errors
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Graphviz library for TypeScript
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🚀 The OpenAPI to TypeScript codegen. Generate clients, SDKs, validators, and more.
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Human-friendly taxonomy for file types
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TypeScript definitions for stream-json
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TypeScript definitions for svg-path-parser
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Run NPM scripts in specific environments
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Typings for the Figma REST API

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