

Infer strong typings for commander options and action handlers

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of commander-js/extra-typings

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TypeScript definitions for node
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the complete solution for node.js command-line programs
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Tooling which enables you to use TypeScript with ESLint

Support the repos that depend on commander-js/extra-typings

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packasso core
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TP-Link Smart Home API
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Utilities for downloading snark artifacts
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The Sindri Labs JavaScript SDK and CLI tool.
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Core lib and cli for Playwright test orchestration
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Generates a text file containing all of the licenses for your production dependencies
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Interactive codegen for GQty
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Javascript-based implementations of Source, written in Typescript
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Unleash SDK for Next.js
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Sysl (pronounced "sizzle") is a open source system specification language.
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An open-source framework for crypto application backends
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A cli to perform various aave governance related tasks
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Package your extension for multiple browsers quickly and easily
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TypeScript transformer for Lekko config definitions
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An open-source framework for crypto application backends
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A javascript/typescript client to interact with the moneyworks REST API.
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Writing GraphQL queries with type safety and type hints, power by TypeScript.

Top contributors

shadowspawn's profile
109 contributions
matthyk's profile
2 contributions
mrazauskas's profile
2 contributions
AviVahl's profile
1 contributions
edwardfoyle's profile
1 contributions
abetomo's profile
1 contributions
leftshift's profile
1 contributions

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