

[old / outdated] examples of frontend npm uses

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baboon test image as base64 data URI
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Full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performance
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browserify fs.readFileSync() static asset inliner
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The Stanford bunny
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A minimal testbed for simple canvas demos
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modern domready
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gets a palette of prominent colors from an array of pixels
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generates a basic shader with vertex attributes
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gl-matrix's mat4, split into smaller pieces
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a soft gradient background in WebGL
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Convert a mesh index for drawing wireframes
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Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration
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Handlebars precompiler plugin for Browserify v2
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Convert any dom tree to an image element
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Join urls and normalize as in path.join.
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extend like a boss
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local development server that aims to make using browserify fast and fun
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browser-side require() the node way
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Gulp plugin to run a webserver (with LiveReload)
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6to5 browserify plugin
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No-bullshit, ultra-simple, 35-lines-of-code async parallel forEach / map function for JavaScript.
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Apply an async function to each Array element in series.
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An alternative wrapper for orbit-camera that works independently of game-shell.
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avoid string concats when making rgba() colors
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Inline CSS manipulation library
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Flatten arbitrarily nested arrays into a non-nested list of non-array items. Maintained for legacy compatibility.
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gets a RGBA array of the given Image/Video source
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This is a utility function to calculate the bounding box of series of 2D points
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checkered full-screen background for GL demos
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A helper WebGL module for clearing the current buffer – extracted from [@mikolalysenko]('s [gl-now](
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A flexible wrapper for gl-vao and gl-buffer that you can use to set up renderable WebGL geometries from a variety of different formats.
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A small helper library for embedding Google Fonts on your page.
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GSAP is a framework-agnostic JavaScript animation library that turns developers into animation superheroes. Build high-performance animations that work in **every** major browser. Animate CSS, SVG, canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, colors, strings, motion paths, generic objects...anything JavaScript can touch! The ScrollTrigger plugin lets you create jaw-dropping scroll-based animations with minimal code. No other library delivers such advanced sequencing, reliability, and tight control while solving real-world problems on millions of sites. GSAP works around countless browser inconsistencies; your animations **just work**. At its core, GSAP is a high-speed property manipulator, updating values over time with extreme accuracy.
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a Promise wrapper around gsap / tweenlite
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insert a string of css into the <head>
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Middleware and Browserify transform for less files
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Just draws meshes
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normalizes a 2D path to its bounding box
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svg path parser
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A node.js module for color quantization, based on Leptonica.
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simplify 2D polyline
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gets 2D contours from an SVG path
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get current touch/mouse position
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detect if a 2D triangle and circle collide
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triangulates a series of 2D contours
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extracts a string of subpaths from an svg file
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Gulp plugin for livereload.
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Wrap old plugins to support streams.

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