

Basic utils to support KDK-based applications and services

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Support the dependencies of kalisio/kcore

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A module that consolidates Feathers client modules for REST (jQuery, Request, Superagent) and Websocket (Socket.io, Primus) connections
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Common error types for Feathers apps
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Feathers Express framework bindings and REST provider
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A framework for real-time applications and REST API with JavaScript and TypeScript
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The Feathers Socket.io real-time API provider
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Internationalised error messages for Ajv JSON validator
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AWS SDK for JavaScript
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Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser
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Basic IP rate-limiting middleware for Express. Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset.
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Useful hooks for use with Feathersjs services.
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fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.
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help secure Express/Connect apps with various HTTP headers
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A generic rate limiter for the web and node.js. Useful for API clients, web crawling, or other tasks that need to be throttled
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Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to any available console.log methods
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Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
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The official MongoDB driver for Node.js
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GitHub authentication strategy for Passport.
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Memorable password generator. For the command line, Node.js and the browser.
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Simplified HTTP request client.
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A Markdown to HTML converter written in Javascript
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Realtime application framework client
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The progressive JavaScript framework for building modern web UI.
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Add Authentication to your FeathersJS app.
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JWT authentication strategy for feathers-authentication using Passport
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Local authentication strategy for @feathers/authentication
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Add Authentication to your FeathersJS app.
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An OAuth2 authentication strategy for feathers-authentication using Passport
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A small configuration module for your Feathers application.
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A javascript library for adding voice commands to your site, using speech recognition
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Node.js module for Data URI applications. It performs conversions between Node.js Buffers and RFC2397-compliant Data URIs, or vice versa.
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CASL is an isomorphic authorization JavaScript library which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access
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Reactive API extensions for Feathers services
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Google (OAuth 2.0) authentication strategy for Passport.
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Validates password according to flexible and intuitive specifications
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get mime types by file extensions in browser
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Quasar Framework fonts, icons and animations
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Build responsive SPA, SSR, PWA, Hybrid Mobile Apps and Electron apps, all simultaneously using the same codebase
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s3 abstract-blob-store
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JavaScript object inheritance sugar: Easy extension, mixins, super methods, proxies
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Avatar component for Vue.js

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claustres's profile
621 contributions
leob's profile
40 contributions
robinbourianes-kalisio's profile
2 contributions
batolye's profile
1 contributions
snyk-bot's profile
1 contributions

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