

GitHub authentication strategy for Passport and Node.js.

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Support the dependencies of jaredhanson/passport-github

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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Helpers for testing Passport strategies with the Chai assertion library.
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Proxies nodejs require in order to allow overriding dependencies during testing.
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OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy for Passport.
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Useful makefiles for developing Node.js packages.

Support the repos that depend on jaredhanson/passport-github

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Basic utils to support Weacast and plugins
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Module to provide core utilities for Batolye applications and services
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Module to provide core utilities for Kalisio applications and services
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Juicyllama Framework Development Dependencies
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github passport plugin for egg
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Module to provide core utilities for BulusAtolyesi applications and services
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Cloud CMS Application Server Module
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A seXy wrapper around express for multitenant websites
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Vue-based frontend for Decetralized Data Exchange
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Markdown powered Knowledgebase
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NestJS github authentication using passport
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Lightweight nodejs base minimalist framework to make api easy.
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Barista, the development server and test engine used in conjuction with generator-barista as part of a yeoman (yo) workflow.
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A GibHub & GitHub Enterprise provider for Strider
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Plugin that lets users to deploy a gitbook in Heroku
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Bulus Atolyesi Development Kit Api Core
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High level nodejs framework build on top of expressjs, mongoose, sequilize, socketio and passportjs
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Single signon functionality using passport
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Reusable React environment and components for creating visualization engines.
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Restberry Passport wrapper for passport-github

Top contributors

jaredhanson's profile
77 contributions
suprememoocow's profile
3 contributions
genbit's profile
3 contributions
simison's profile
2 contributions
rragan's profile
2 contributions
4lejandrito's profile
1 contributions
edlea's profile
1 contributions
mattbornski's profile
1 contributions
okhomenko's profile
1 contributions
pdehaan's profile
1 contributions

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