

The JavaScript Implementation of IPLD

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Support the dependencies of ipfs/js-ipfs-ipld

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CID Implementation in JavaScript
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JavaScript implementation of the IPLD (InterpPlanetary Linked Data)
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An implementation of WHATWG AbortController interface.
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JavaScript project management
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Client-side Bitcoin JavaScript library
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Node.js Buffer API, for the browser
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implementation of crypto for the browser
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Node's event emitter for all engines.
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This is an implementation of the modified merkle patricia tree as specified in Ethereum's yellow paper.
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Node.js Streams, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js
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Node.js's util module for all engines
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JavaScript Implementation of BlockService
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JavaScript Implementation of IPLD Block
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JavaScript Implementation of the MerkleDAG Node in Protobuf.
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JavaScript implementation of the IPLD raw format.
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JavaScript implementation of the multicodec specification
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multihash implementation
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Isomorphic, functional type-checking for Javascript
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Provides Block serialization and help functions
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JavaScript implementation of Bitcoin IPLD formats
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JavaScript Implementation of Git IPLD format
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IPLD in your RAM
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JavaScript Implementation of All Ethereum IPLD formats
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JavaScript implementation of Zcash IPLD formats
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Returns native AbortController/AbortSignal if available or the abort-controller module if not
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Recursive Length Prefix Encoding Module
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Utility functions to make dealing with Uint8Arrays easier

Support the repos that depend on ipfs/js-ipfs-ipld

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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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The JavaScript SDK for interacting with the Tupelo network
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IPLD implementation in JavaScript
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Node.js IPFS Record implementation
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git-remote-helper for pando
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Node.js Implementation of the Distributed Record Store
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A test suite and interface you can use to implement a a IPRS compliant(https://github.com/ipfs/specs/tree/master/records) Record Store
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Node.js implementation of IPFS kademlia Peer Routing Record Store
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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Get ipfs dag objects stored in s3
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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Explore the IPLD directed acyclic graph with your keyboard
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Node.js implementation of IPFS kademlia Peer Routing Record Store
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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A test suite and interface you can use to implement a a IPRS compliant(https://github.com/ipfs/specs/tree/master/records) Record Store
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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a merkle trie implemention that if focused on being generic and fast
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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Wireline CLI IPFS Module.

Top contributors

vmx's profile
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daviddias's profile
129 contributions
dignifiedquire's profile
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achingbrain's profile
26 contributions
greenkeeper[bot]'s profile
20 contributions
nicola's profile
9 contributions
kumavis's profile
6 contributions
richardschneider's profile
5 contributions
victorb's profile
5 contributions
alanshaw's profile
3 contributions

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