

Decorator-based property validation for classes.

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Support the dependencies of endykaufman/class-validator-multi-lang

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TypeScript definitions for validator
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Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions
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String validation and sanitization
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TypeScript definitions for chai
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TypeScript definitions for chai-as-promised
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TypeScript definitions for gulp
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TypeScript definitions for gulp-sourcemaps
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TypeScript definitions for mocha
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript definitions for sinon
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Extends Chai with assertions about promises.
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Uploading report to Codecov: https://codecov.io
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Generate a changelog from git metadata.
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ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
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Istanbul unit test coverage plugin for gulp.
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A string replace plugin for gulp
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Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
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TypeScript linter Gulp plugin
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A typescript compiler for gulp with incremental compilation support.
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Make a beautiful class-based gulpfiles with Typescript and Gulpfile.ts
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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A tool for remapping Istanbul coverage via Source Maps
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Rollup plugin for grabbing source maps from sourceMappingURLs
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Rollup plugin to minify generated es bundle
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Rollup plugin to minify generated bundle
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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Extends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework.
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TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
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An extensible static analysis linter for the TypeScript language
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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The up-to-date and reliable Google's libphonenumber package for node.js.
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TypeScript definitions for gulp-mocha
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TypeScript definitions for gulp-istanbul
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TypeScript definitions for rollup-plugin-json
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Angular preset for conventional-changelog.
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Generate a changelog using conventional-changelog.
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A handy command line interface for gulp
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Reporter for tslint along the lines of jshint-stylish

Support the repos that depend on endykaufman/class-validator-multi-lang

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Core module for framework
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A stateless lib for wolfx backend
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Common classes and utils
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A web based management, configuration and control platform for Homebridge.
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*The Agent-Centric Distributed Application Meta-ontology* or just: *Agent-Centric DApp Meta-ontology* * A new meta-ontology for interoperable, decentralized application design * A spanning-layer to enable seamless integration between Holochain DNAs, blockchains, linked-data structures/ontologies and centralized back-ends * The basis for turning distinct, monolithic and siloed apps into a global, open and interoperable sense-making network
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*The Agent-Centric Distributed Application Meta-ontology* or just: *Agent-Centric DApp Meta-ontology* * A new meta-ontology for interoperable, decentralized application design * A spanning-layer to enable seamless integration between Holochain DNAs, blockchains, linked-data structures/ontologies and centralized back-ends * The basis for turning distinct, monolithic and siloed apps into a global, open and interoperable sense-making network
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n8n Workflow Automation Tool
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JokTec - Core library
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Making SvelteKit forms a pleasure to use!
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Digest realization for client and server. All quality of protection (qop): auth, auth-int. Encryption algorithms: MD5, MD5-sess. Based on typescript

Top contributors

NoNameProvided's profile
172 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
120 contributions
EndyKaufman's profile
108 contributions
vlapo's profile
29 contributions
Cyri-L's profile
14 contributions
pleerock's profile
14 contributions
DystopianProgrammer's profile
12 contributions
greenkeeper[bot]'s profile
12 contributions
edcarroll's profile
9 contributions
Kiliandeca's profile
9 contributions

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