

Better file system watching for Node.js. Provides a normalised API the file watching APIs of different node versions, nested/recursive file and directory watching, and accurate detailed events for file/directory changes, deletions and creations.

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Support the dependencies of bevry/watchr

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Utilities for cloning, extending, and de-referencing objects in shallow, deep, and safe ways
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Group together synchronous and asynchronous tasks and execute them with support for concurrency, naming, and nesting.
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Update the package.json author, contributors, and maintainers fields with the latest remote data
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Common utilities and helpers to make testing assertions easier
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Common utility functions for Node.js used and maintained by Benjamin Lupton
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Standard library
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Bevry's ESLint configuration is an adaptive configuration that automatically configures ESLint.
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
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Kava has been powering accurate test suites for Node.js and Web Browsers since 2012.
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Stop wasting time syncing and updating your project's README and Package Files!
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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CDN for front-end developers
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Check whether or not a directory and its descendants are valid
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Give eachr an item to iterate (array, object or map) and an iterator, then in return eachr gives iterator the value and key of each item, and will stop if the iterator returned false.
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Ignore common and custom patterns of the file system
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Stop getting EMFILE errors! Open only as many files as the operating system supports.
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Scan a directory recursively with a lot of control and power

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Top contributors

balupton's profile
168 contributions
dependabot-preview[bot]'s profile
25 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
19 contributions
caseywebdev's profile
3 contributions
Stuk's profile
2 contributions
AaronO's profile
1 contributions
adamsanderson's profile
1 contributions
FredrikNoren's profile
1 contributions
jlevine22's profile
1 contributions
robsonpeixoto's profile
1 contributions

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