

Group together synchronous and asynchronous tasks and execute them with support for concurrency, naming, and nesting.

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Give eachr an item to iterate (array, object or map) and an iterator, then in return eachr gives iterator the value and key of each item, and will stop if the iterator returned false.
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Publish multiple editions for your JavaScript packages consistently and easily (e.g. source edition, esnext edition, es2015 edition)
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Babel command line.
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Babel compiler core.
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Compile object rest and spread to ES5
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Common utilities and helpers to make testing assertions easier
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Bevry's ESLint configuration is an adaptive configuration that automatically configures ESLint.
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
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Kava has been powering accurate test suites for Node.js and Web Browsers since 2012.
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Stop wasting time syncing and updating your project's README and Package Files!
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Check whether or not a directory and its descendants are valid
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Utilities for cloning, extending, and de-referencing objects in shallow, deep, and safe ways
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Ambi lets you execute any function ambidextrously; providing you the ability to execute any function (be it synchronous, asynchronous, returns, callbacks, promises) as if it returned a promise.
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Function.prototype.bind replacement that provides an `unbounded` hidden property on the returned bounded function, that contains the original unbounded function
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Work with processes safely and easily with Node.js

Support the repos that depend on bevry/taskgroup

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Better file system watching for Node.js
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Work with processes safely and easily with Node.js
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Common utility functions for Node.js used and maintained by Benjamin Lupton
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Use feedr to fetch the data from a remote url, respect its caching, and parse its data. Despite its name, it's not just for feed data but also for all data that you can feed into it (including binary data).
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Emit events in serial or parallel with support for synchronous and asynchronous listeners
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DocPad is a dynamic static site generator. Write your content as files, or import your content from other external sources. Render the content with plugins. And deploy your static or dynamic website to your favourite hosting provider.
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Chainy action that iterates through each item in the array with an asynchronous or synchronous iterator
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Perhaps the most awesome way of interacting with data using a chainable API
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Kava has been powering accurate test suites for Node.js and Web Browsers since 2012.
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Adds support for Partials (re-usable templates) to DocPad
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Adds support for Pygments Syntax Highlighting to DocPad
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Deploy to remote via `docpad deploy-rsync`
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Import your Cloudant databases to DocPad collections
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Import Atlassian Confluence spaces into DocPad collections.
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Fetch the information for packages inside the npm registry
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Handles authentication and login functionality via social login for your docpad application. Protects pages from unauthenticated users
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DocPad plugin that adds the ability to import data from a Contentful api
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Adds support for late bound links to DocPad
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Docpad plugin that enables multiple layouts per document
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DocPad plugin for redirecting URLs to other websites via configuration. Based on the cleanurls plugin.
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Add a REST API to your DocPad project for interacting with DocPad files and documents
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Adds support for the SASS and SCSS CSS pre-processors to DocPad. It also supports the Compass framework.
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DocPad plugin that adds the ability to render Slim templates to HTML
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DocPad plugin which adds the ability to output to Amazon S3, Google Storage or and other service supported by SunnyJS.
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Import your mongodb collections to DocPad collections
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Clone or update repositories into your DocPad website before generation
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Browserify your documents by adding the `browserify: true` meta data
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Caches remote resources locally
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Adds support for thumbnail generation to DocPad
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Adds support to clean CSS in DocPad.
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Adds support for clean URLs to DocPad
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DocPad plugin that uploads images to flickr
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Fairtrade is a JavaScript testing framework that actually works. Unlike Mocha, we won't die on you abruptly when executing dynamically created tests and are always able to associate the correct test to the correct corresponding test suite. Switching from Mocha is trivial and only takes a few minutes.
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Allows you to render variables within `templateData` using text elements

Top contributors

balupton's profile
485 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
35 contributions
dependabot-preview[bot]'s profile
24 contributions
pflannery's profile
5 contributions
crito's profile
1 contributions
sfrdmn's profile
1 contributions
github-actions[bot]'s profile
1 contributions

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