

The NodeJS-based implementation of Aurelia's platform abstraction layer.

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Support the dependencies of aurelia/pal-nodejs

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Aurelia's platform abstraction layer (PAL).
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A JavaScript implementation of many web standards
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TypeScript definitions for jasmine
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TypeScript definitions for jsdom
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Tools and utility functions used to build and develop Aurelia's libraries.
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Bump npm versions with Gulp (
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Generate a changelog using conventional-changelog.
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Include or exclude gulp files from the stream based on a condition
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Append or Prepend a string with gulp
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Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins
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Rename files
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A string replace plugin for gulp
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Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
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TypeScript linter Gulp plugin
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Gulp plugin for the TypeDoc typescript documentation tool.
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A post processor to extract a module from gulp-typedoc json output.
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A typescript compiler for gulp with incremental compilation support.
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Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
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Merge multiple streams into one stream in sequence or parallel.
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ES6 spec-compliant Object.assign shim. From
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Helper to require() directories.
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Run a series of dependent gulp tasks in order
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A tiny wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (Streams2/3) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
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An extensible static analysis linter for the TypeScript language
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Create api documentation for TypeScript projects.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Formatter of TypeScript code
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yargs the modern, pirate-themed, successor to optimist.
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Gulp plugin for the Typescript Formatter
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rimraf plugin for gulp

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Top contributors

EisenbergEffect's profile
38 contributions
MeirionHughes's profile
33 contributions
niieani's profile
16 contributions
bigopon's profile
14 contributions
JeroenVinke's profile
6 contributions
devanp92's profile
5 contributions
martingust's profile
4 contributions
3cp's profile
3 contributions
zewa666's profile
3 contributions
mkohlmyr's profile
2 contributions

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