

JavaScript implementation of multistream-select

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Support the dependencies of web3-storage/js-libp2p-multistream-select

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Common code shared by the various libp2p interfaces
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A logging component for use in js-libp2p modules
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Make any iterator or iterable abortable via an AbortSignal
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Create an error with a code
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Returns the first result from an async iterator
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Create handshakes for binary protocols with iterable streams
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Streaming length prefixed buffers with async iterables
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Treat one or more iterables as a single iterable
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Utility to "pipe" async iterables together
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An iterable that you can push values into
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Read an exact number of bytes from a binary (async) iterable
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Typescript types for AsyncIterable sink/source/duplex streams
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Append and consume bytes using only no-copy operations
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Utility functions to make dealing with Uint8Arrays easier
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TypeScript definitions for varint
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JavaScript project management
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Collects all values from an (async) iterable and returns them as an array
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Maps the values yielded by an async iterator
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pair a source async iterable stream and a sink async iterable stream
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An AbortController that aborts after a specified timeout
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Node.js's util module for all engines
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protobuf-style varint bytes - use msb to create integer values of varying sizes

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