

The JavaScript Implementation of libp2p networking stack.

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Support the dependencies of libp2p/js-libp2p

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Crypto primitives for libp2p
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Peer Identifier interface for libp2p
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Implementation of @libp2p/interface-peer-id
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Create PeerId instances
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multiaddr implementation (binary + string representation of network addresses)
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Collects all values from an (async) iterable and returns them as an array
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Empties an async iterator
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Maps the values yielded by an async iterator
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Address Manager interface for libp2p
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Port mapping with UPnP and NAT-PMP
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Connection interface for libp2p
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Connection Encrypter interface for libp2p
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Connection gater interface for libp2p
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Connection Manager interface for libp2p
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The interface implemented by a libp2p node
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Content routing interface for libp2p
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Metrics interface for libp2p
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Keychain interface for libp2p
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Peer Discovery interface for libp2p
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Peer Info interface for libp2p
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Peer Routing interface for libp2p
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Peer Store interface for libp2p
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PubSub interface for libp2p
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Record interface for libp2p
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Registrar interface for libp2p
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Stream Muxer interface for libp2p
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Transport interface for libp2p
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Common code shared by the various libp2p interfaces
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Key management and cryptographically protected messages
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A logging component for use in js-libp2p modules
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JavaScript implementation of multistream-select
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Stores values against a peer id
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Used to transfer signed peer data across the network
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Stores information about peers libp2p knows on the network
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libp2p network topology
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Allows tracking of statistics while libp2p is running
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Package to aggregate shared logic and dependencies for the libp2p ecosystem
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A multiaddr validator
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Make any iterator or iterable abortable via an AbortSignal
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Combines an array of AbortSignals into a single signal that is aborted when any signal is
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Wrapper implementation for interface-datastore
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datastore interface
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Filters the passed iterable by using the filter function
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Returns the first result from an async iterator
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Create handshakes for binary protocols with iterable streams
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Streaming length prefixed buffers with async iterables
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Treat one or more iterables as a single iterable
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pair a source async iterable stream and a sink async iterable stream
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Process incoming async(iterable) functions in parallel
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A convenience-wrapper around protocol-buffers and lp-messages functions

Support the repos that depend on libp2p/js-libp2p

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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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An implementation of IPFS in JavaScript
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A unified SDK for easy creation and management of js-waku nodes.
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TypeScript implementation of the Waku v2 protocol
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This is a library that handles libp2p, REST, and websocket connections
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Compliance tests for JS libp2p interfaces
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This is a model manager and wrapper for huggingface, and it maintains an index of models from collections of models store retrieved through local/https/s3/ipfs/orbitdb, then maintains a state of which what models are currently accesible, and it will choose what files should be cached through local/s3/ipfs/ based on configuration settings.
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Serverless WebRTC matchmaking for painless P2P
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Privacy-preserving messaging protocol with incentivations for relay operators
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libp2p node for Peerbit
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A fetch-like API for obtaining verified & trustless IPFS content on the web
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Easily create a Waku node
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libp2p based ZeroNet swarm
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Block store streaming
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Common code for Helia CLI tools
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libp2p PubSub protocol implementation for the WindingTree market protocol
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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TypeScript implementation of Fluence Peer
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the browser js-libp2p client for the Fluence network
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A building block for direct streaming protocols
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A building block for direct streaming protocols
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Direct streaming for libp2p
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Utils used inside RoseNet

Top contributors

achingbrain's profile
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semantic-release-bot's profile
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jacobheun's profile
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web3-bot's profile
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dignifiedquire's profile
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web-flow's profile
112 contributions
greenkeeperio-bot's profile
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