

Core of holly - the gulp based build system

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of weareenvoy/holly

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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Babel browserify transform
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browser-side require() the node way
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Pack same CSS media query rules into one using PostCSS
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construct pipes of streams of events
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Conditionally run a task
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gulp plugin to send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors to Mac OS X, Linux or Windows using the node-notifier module. Fallbacks to Growl or simply logging
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PostCSS gulp plugin
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A string replace plugin for gulp
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Gulp plugin for sass
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Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
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Twig.js plugin for gulp.js (gulpjs.com)
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Watch, that actually is an endless stream
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A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
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JavaScript library for DOM operations
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PostCSS plugin to transform W3C CSS color function to more compatible CSS.
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Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting. A spin-off project from Dabblet.
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Run a series of dependent gulp tasks in order
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Convert streaming vinyl files to use buffers
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Use conventional text streams at the start of your gulp or vinyl pipelines
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A batch string/regexp replace plugin for gulp
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The lightweight plugin to override urls in css files to hashed after gulp-rev
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gulp plugin for checking JavaScript code with the standard syntax
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PostCSS plugin that adds responsive magic to font-size
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PostCSS plugin that adds shorthand attributes methods to position declarations.

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Top contributors

keenan-envoy's profile
115 contributions
thatdavid's profile
3 contributions
qbunt's profile
1 contributions
keenode's profile
1 contributions
ScottRoach's profile
1 contributions

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