

A Javascript UI component for visualizing clusters and groups

Apache License 2.0
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Support the dependencies of unchartedsoftware/stories-personas

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Full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performance
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The iconic font and CSS framework
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JavaScript library for DOM operations
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JavaScript's functional programming helper library.
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WebCola =======
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browser-side require() the node way
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A browserify transform for the istanbul code coverage tool
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Makes CommonJS-incompatible modules browserifyable.
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Rename files
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Gulp plugin for sass
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A simple zero-configuration command-line http server
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Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.
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A fast browserify integration for Karma that handles large projects with ease
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Chai for Karma
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A Karma plugin. Launcher for Chrome and Chrome Canary.
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A Karma plugin. Generate code coverage.
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A Karma plugin. Adapter for Mocha testing framework.
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Karma reporter with mocha style logging.
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A Karma plugin. Launcher for PhantomJS.
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Sinon and Chai for Karma
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Fake JavaScript timers
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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Headless WebKit with JS API
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Run a series of dependent gulp tasks in order
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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Extends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework.
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A tiny wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (Streams2/3) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
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Use conventional text streams at the start of your gulp or vinyl pipelines
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Wrap old plugins to support streams.
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JavaScript Vector Library

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chris-dickson's profile
6 contributions

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