

An opinionated approach to creating WebRTC apps (both media and datachannels supported)

Apache License 2.0
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Support the dependencies of rtc-io/rtc-quickconnect

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Compare semver version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.
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Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
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browser-side require() the node way
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WebSocket buffer utils
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cross-browser getUserMedia shim with node.js style error-first API.
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The JavaScript Task Runner
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Grunt task for node-browserify
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Formatted TAP output like Mocha's spec reporter
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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Cherry pickable JS functions
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If Node's EventEmitter and Eve were to have a child, it might look something like this
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Attach a media stream to an existing or new media element (basically attachMediaStream with support for rtc.io plugins)
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Cross browser getUserMedia implementation with support for rtc.io plugins
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Core definitions and functions for the rtc.io suite
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Use either rtc-signaller or your own signaller which matches the signaller API
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Cross-browser WebRTC helpers
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Validation routines for WebRTC
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cross-browser way to attach a media stream to a video element.
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Super simple browser testing influenced by testling and smokestack
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A small, simple, and fast DOM creation utility
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Functional thinking inspired DOM helpers (browserify and selective require friendly)
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Get free, randomized STUN and TURN servers for your WebRTC application
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Simple documentation generator using sourcecat and emu
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Provides metadata and conversions from repository urls for GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab
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Wraps a core browser RTCDataChannel with a buffering layer to ensure data channel send limits are observed
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Simple string definition -> WebRTC constraints
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Grayscale video processing filter for rtc-videoproc
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A simple getUserMedia wrapper
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An rtc.io module for interacting with the Temasys IE/Safari WebRTC plugin
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Signalling for rtc-io components using primus
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Draw video frames to a canvas and analyse / modify pixel data
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Functional operation helpers (underscore-like) for working with map, filter, reduce, etc

Support the repos that depend on rtc-io/rtc-quickconnect

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Build WebRTC conferencing applications with easy using rtc.io. This package provides a super-friendly entry point for working with WebRTC, dive into underling rtc.io modules for more configuration and customization opportunities
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BemTV Peer-to-Peer plugin for HTTP Live Streaming transmissions on Clappr Media Player
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A suite of tests that will test how well a custom signaller supports the requirements of rtc-quickconnect and rtc-tools
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convert a webRTC connection into a stream
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Code samples written in response to questions asked in 140 characters or less
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Create a matrix of connections using rtc-quickconnect (which is useful for testing)

Top contributors

DamonOehlman's profile
486 contributions
nathanoehlman's profile
104 contributions
betimer's profile
34 contributions
nathanatcoviu's profile
20 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
11 contributions
rmjahangeer's profile
6 contributions
markjrodrigues's profile
4 contributions
silviapfeiffer's profile
3 contributions
briely's profile
2 contributions
magestican's profile
2 contributions

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