

Core definitions and functions for the rtc.io suite

Apache License 2.0
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Support the dependencies of rtc-io/rtc-core

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Get free, randomized STUN and TURN servers for your WebRTC application
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Simple WebRTC RTCPeerConnection pair useful for testing WebRTC modules
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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write tests for browser code
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Unpack a browser type and version from the useragent string

Support the repos that depend on rtc-io/rtc-core

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Create a WebRTC connection in record time
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Cross browser getUserMedia implementation with support for rtc.io plugins
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Attach a media stream to an existing or new media element (basically attachMediaStream with support for rtc.io plugins)
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rtc.io transportless signalling for WebRTC
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Cross-browser WebRTC helpers
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WebRTC Screensharing Chrome Extension
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The core processing logic for the client component of rtc.io signalling
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An asynchronous task queue that applies actions to an RTCPeerConnection in the most sensible order
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Simple string definition -> WebRTC constraints
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A suite of tests for checking rtc-tools compatibility with any valid signaller
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A suite of tests that will test how well a custom signaller supports the requirements of rtc-quickconnect and rtc-tools
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Compatibility layer for working with SIP (custom media handling for SIP.js)
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Simple WebRTC RTCPeerConnection pair useful for testing WebRTC modules
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A simple library for writing WebRTC applications an in HTML-centric way

Top contributors

DamonOehlman's profile
116 contributions
buddhikajay's profile
2 contributions
nathanatcoviu's profile
2 contributions
nathanoehlman's profile
1 contributions

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