

I18n module for Nuxt

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Support the dependencies of nuxt-modules/i18n

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Toolkit for authoring modules and interacting with Nuxt
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Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser
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Modify strings, generate sourcemaps
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Unified plugin system for build tools
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Internationalization plugin for Vue.js
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Babel Types is a Lodash-esque utility library for AST nodes
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ESLint JavaScript language implementation
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TypeScript definitions for debug
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TypeScript definitions for eslint
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Bump version, commit changes, tag, and push to Git
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A JavaScript implementation of many web standards
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Lint files staged by git
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A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential. (Maintainence fork)
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A high-level API to automate web browsers
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unplugin for Vue I18n
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🍣 A Rollup plugin which Converts .json5 files to ES6 modules.
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Wasm target for the oxc parser.
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Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST
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Internationalization middleware & utilities for h3
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Collection of i18n utilities
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Oxc Parser Node API
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File based typed routing for Vue Router
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Nuxt types and default configuration
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The fast Rust-based web bundler with webpack-compatible API
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Full-stack <head> manager built for Vue.
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Generate changelog for GitHub.
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Changelog generator for GitHub Releases
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Nuxt is a free and open-source framework with an intuitive and extendable way to create type-safe, performant and production-grade full-stack web applications and websites with Vue.js.

Support the repos that depend on nuxt-modules/i18n

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Nujek - Storyblok Components
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This is part of Mapo nuxt module. Injects Mapo ui components in the nuxt component discovery system.
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Front resources package of Abler front-end workflow
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The Docus default app.
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A bundle of commonly used nuxt dependencies and configuration.
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Localization conventions for Cloak + Craft.
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FHIR application layer for Nuxt based on Medplum Fhir server
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Enhanced and customizable Nuxt application starter pack
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Pergel Module for Box Management
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A simple authentication module for Nuxt 3
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An elegant open-source planner for Instagram
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Nuxt 3 based frontend for your Vesp project

Top contributors

kazupon's profile
400 contributions
BobbieGoede's profile
367 contributions
renovate[bot]'s profile
90 contributions
danielroe's profile
14 contributions
userquin's profile
12 contributions
ineshbose's profile
8 contributions
dargmuesli's profile
8 contributions
atinux's profile
7 contributions
rchl's profile
5 contributions
MuhammadM1998's profile
3 contributions

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