

The fast version of js-multihashing

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Support the dependencies of multiformats/js-multihashing-async

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Create an error with a code
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A simple SHA-3 / Keccak / Shake hash function for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding.
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multihash implementation
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Utility functions to make dealing with Uint8Arrays easier
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TypeScript definitions for sinon
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JavaScript project management
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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Node.js's util module for all engines
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Pure Javascript implementation of the BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s hash functions
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MurmurHash3 in JavaScript, matches the reference implementation (C++), runnable in node and browser.

Support the repos that depend on multiformats/js-multihashing-async

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JavaScript Implementation of the MerkleDAG Node in Protobuf.
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JavaScript implementation of the IPLD (InterpPlanetary Linked Data)
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Secio implementation in JavaScript
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Wireline Registry JavaScript Client.
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JavaScript implementation of the IPLD raw format.
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JavaScript Implementation of Git IPLD format
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Fork of js-peer-id using Ethereum addresses.
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Support for secp256k1 keys in libp2p-crypto
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JavaScript Implementation of All Ethereum IPLD formats
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JavaScript implementation of Zcash IPLD formats
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JavaScript implementation of Bitcoin IPLD formats
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A wallet for documents and tokens
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Node.js implementation of the Bitswap data exchange protocol used by IPFS
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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JavaScript Implementation of All Ethereum IPLD formats
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The JavaScript SDK for interacting with the Tupelo network
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JavaScript implementation of the Kad-DHT for libp2p
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Secio implementation in JavaScript
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The @astralprotocol/core package is a Typescript NPM package that is responsible for any CRUD operations performed on the DID Documents. This includes the creation of DID Documents, loading the DID Documents, as well as updating them. The package also has utilities that enable the creation of the collision resistant GeoDID IDs, a custom did-resolver that enables DID Resolution, as well as pinning features for storing the Documents on IPFS or FFS. This package is meant to be used in conjunction with the @astralprotocol/contracts and @astralprotocol/subgraph packages. However, the package can also be used independently if the user does not want to rely on the Ethereum network
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content addressable P2P network
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Node.js implementation of the Bitswap data exchange protocol used by IPFS
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Zippie fork - Node.js implementation of the Bitswap data exchange protocol used by IPFS
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Synchronous serialize/deserialize for IPLD dag-cbor.
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JavaScript implementation of the Kad-DHT for libp2p
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification

Top contributors

daviddias's profile
53 contributions
hugomrdias's profile
29 contributions
dignifiedquire's profile
27 contributions
achingbrain's profile
16 contributions
jbenet's profile
7 contributions
RichardLitt's profile
3 contributions
victorb's profile
2 contributions
pgte's profile
2 contributions
Gozala's profile
2 contributions

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