

JavaScript implementation of MurmurHash3 that matches the C++ reference.

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Support the dependencies of cimi/murmurhash3js-revisited

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The JavaScript Task Runner
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Update the version, date, and other properties in JSON files while preserving the original indentation style.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions
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Release a new version of your Node-based project
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Replace text in files using strings, regexs or functions.

Support the repos that depend on cimi/murmurhash3js-revisited

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Atomist API for software low-level client
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Forta Agent SDK and CLI tool
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Client fingerprint server implementation.
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xStorage impletion of ipfs js-multihashing-async
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common functions used in properties
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Forta Detection Bot Typescript SDK
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d3 visualisation with vuejs
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Unleash SDK for Next.js
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a featureful markup language
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Extension pack adding lifecycle support to an SDM
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Elastic web server framework with easy virtual hosts
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Unleash SDK for Next.js
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a web client for bulletcms
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Unleash integration for NestJS
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Event Driven Architecture framework
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Client fingerprint server implementation. Fork of Adds IP and DNT parameter.
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passive fingerprinting for express
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a web server for bulletcms
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Unleash integration for NestJS
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A npm module containing various probabilistic filters, written in TypeScript

Top contributors

pid's profile
25 contributions
karanlyons's profile
20 contributions
cimi's profile
16 contributions
bitdeli-chef's profile
1 contributions

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