

XML to JavaScript object converter.

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Support the dependencies of leonidas-from-xiv/node-xml2js

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An evented streaming XML parser in JavaScript
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An XML builder for node.js
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Unfancy JavaScript
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io
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A JavaScript text diff implementation.
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the Istanbul command line interface
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The Quick and Dirty Literate Programming Documentation Generator
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Lightweight HTTP server framework for Node

Support the repos that depend on leonidas-from-xiv/node-xml2js

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AWS SDK for JavaScript
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aliyun oss(object storage service) node client
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Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for Node.js
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S3 Compatible Cloud Storage client
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Isomorphic client Runtime for Typescript/node.js/browser javascript client libraries generated using AutoRest
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Salesforce API Library for JavaScript
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An HTTP client library for node.js
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node API REST client
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Amazon S3 client
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A lightweight RSS parser, for Node and the browser
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A library for Expo config plugins
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AliCloud POP SDK core
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Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web
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Core functionality of n8n
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A provider agnostic cloud library for Node.js
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Favicon generator for Node.js
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A Webpack Loader to turn SVGs into React Components
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Workflow base code of n8n
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SAML 2.0 authentication strategy for Passport
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A library for server-side integrating with Braintree.
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Simple XML body parser connect/express middleware
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Aliyun SDK for JavaScript
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A selenium server and browser driver manager for your end to end tests.
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Isomorphic client Runtime for Typescript/node.js/browser javascript client libraries generated using AutoRest
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Normalizes public safety data.
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A webpack module to load XML files.
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Simple Email Sender for Amazon SES with good docs and error handling
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Isomorphic client Runtime for Typescript/node.js/browser javascript client libraries generated using AutoRest
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A module for obtaining weather information
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XML parser middleware for express.js.

Top contributors

Leonidas-from-XIV's profile
296 contributions
tflanagan's profile
12 contributions
neopunisher's profile
5 contributions
JacksonTian's profile
5 contributions
markwhitfeld's profile
5 contributions
ryedin's profile
5 contributions
jcsahnwaldt's profile
4 contributions
leipert's profile
4 contributions
Sitin's profile
4 contributions
Raynos's profile
3 contributions

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