

DOM 3 Xpath implemention and helper for node.js

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Support the dependencies of goto100/xpath

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A pure JavaScript W3C standard-based (XML DOM Level 2 Core) DOMParser and XMLSerializer module.

Support the repos that depend on goto100/xpath

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Xml digital signature and encryption library for Node.js
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SVG sprites & stacks galore — A low-level Node.js module that takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types along with suitable stylesheet resources (e.g. CSS, Sass, LESS, Stylus, etc.)
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High-level API for Single Sign On (SAML 2.0)
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Extracting text from files of various type including html, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, pptx, png, jpg, gif, rtf, text/*, and various open office.
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Common Expression Language
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Base client package for iTwin applications
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A simple mime-type based string parser
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Updates values in XML files based on XPath queries. This is a gulp port of grunt-xmlpoke
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Appium driver for iOS
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Simple NodeJS XLSX parser.
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Node.js wrapper around chromedriver.
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utils for handling xml data
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Description goes here.
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SAML 2.0 implementation for Node.js
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Readium 2 'utils' for NodeJS (TypeScript)
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Extension of the Axios module adding convenience methods to interact with SAP systems especially with OData services.
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XMLDSIGjs provides an implementation of XMLDSIG in Typescript/Javascript based on WebCrypto
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Over the wire test doubles
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Readium 2 'shared' for NodeJS (TypeScript)
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Persistent JavaScript Objects and Document Database using Global Storage
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Small utility to convert from Microsoft's OMML to MathML
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Xml digital signature and encryption library for Node.js
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Capacitor Project API for managing projects through code
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Merge multiple XML sources
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Query XML using XPath
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SAML Protocol server middleware
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Easily use XPath to locate any element in an HTML DOM page
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TypeScript definitions for xml-crypto
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A free and unlimited API for Google Translate, Yandex, Bing

Top contributors

JLRishe's profile
131 contributions
goto100's profile
31 contributions
yaronn's profile
5 contributions
delibes's profile
4 contributions
teknopaul's profile
4 contributions
IdeaHunter's profile
2 contributions
callicles's profile
2 contributions
ThomasWeinert's profile
2 contributions
vzvu3k6k's profile
2 contributions
bbyars's profile
1 contributions

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