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Support the dependencies of gl-vis/gl-volume3d

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WebGL buffer wrapper
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WebGL shader wrapper
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WebGL texture wrapper
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Vertex array object wrapper/shim for WebGL
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A node.js-style module system for GLSL!
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Multidimensional Arrays
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Estimates normals for meshes
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Extract a contour on a simplicial complex
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Small module for fitting a canvas element within the bounds of its parent.
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3D axes for WebGL
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Converts points to barycentric coordinates
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Great looking color maps
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gl-matrix's mat4, split into smaller pieces
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Cook-Torrance specular/fresnel lighting term
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Computes the closest point to a polytope in arbitrary dimensions
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A 3D camera with hooks for input handling
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Find a bounding box for a set of points
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Static point picking/selection routine

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kig's profile
33 contributions
etpinard's profile
1 contributions

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