

A local-first library for collaborating on mapping projects

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Support the dependencies of digidem/comapeo-core

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Bridging the gap between buffers and typed arrays
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A series of compact encoding schemes for building small and fast parsers and serializers
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A Hypercore factory that simplifies managing collections of cores.
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Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser
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Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
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Plugin helper for Fastify
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Hypercore is a secure, distributed append-only log
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The crypto primitives used in hypercore, extracted into a separate module
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deterministic JSON.stringify() with custom sorting to get deterministic hashes from stringified results
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A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
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Universal wrapper for sodium-javascript and sodium-native working in Node.js and the Browser
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An iteration of the Node.js core streams with a series of improvements
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Generate sub encodings for key/value stores
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protobuf-style varint bytes - use msb to create integer values of varying sizes
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Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.js
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Offline fallback map for Comapeo as a styled map package
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JSON Schema and TypeScript types for CoMapeo
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Typescript type definitions for untyped modules used by Digidem, prior to DefinitelyTyped publishing
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A small utility, used by Fastify itself, for generating consistent error objects across your codebase and plugins.
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A Type Provider for Typebox over Fastify
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Secret stream backed by Noise and libsodium's secretstream
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Key management and encryption / decryption functions for Mapeo
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Index Mapeo data in a SQLite database
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Json Schema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript
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The fastest and simplest library for SQLite in Node.js.
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A sparse array optimised for low memory whilst still being fast
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Check if an IP is a bogon
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A blob store for Hypercore
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Hyperdrive is a secure, real-time distributed file system
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Drizzle ORM package for SQL databases
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Detect Filetype by bytes
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Index one or more hypercores
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Multiplex multiple message oriented protocols over a stream
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Universal wrapper for libquickbit with a JavaScript fallback
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Throttle and debounce functions.
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Fully type-checked EventEmitter
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An HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js
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Cross platform resolve that always returns a UNIX style `/` seperated path

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EvanHahn's profile
278 contributions
okdistribute's profile
175 contributions
hackergrrl's profile
139 contributions
gmaclennan's profile
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achou11's profile
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tomasciccola's profile
38 contributions
sethvincent's profile
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Karissa's profile
19 contributions
noffle's profile
14 contributions

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