

Hypercore is a secure, distributed append-only log.

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Support the dependencies of holepunchto/hypercore

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Bridging the gap between buffers and typed arrays
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Event emitters for JavaScript
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A series of compact encoding schemes for building small and fast parsers and serializers
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A fast fifo implementation similar to the one powering nextTick in Node.js core
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The crypto primitives used in hypercore, extracted into a separate module
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Convert Hypercore keys to/from z-base32 or hex
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Multiplex multiple message oriented protocols over a stream
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Small module that makes sure your catch, caught an actual error and not a programming mistake or assertion
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Universal wrapper for sodium-javascript and sodium-native working in Node.js and the Browser
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An iteration of the Node.js core streams with a series of improvements
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Unslab some slab'ed buffers
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A TAP test runner built for modern times
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Random-eviction cache
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Exposes the same interface as random-access-file but instead of writing/reading data to a file it maintains it in memory
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simple speed measurement in javascript
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JavaScript Standard Style
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Get a fresh tmpdir for tests
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udx is reliable, multiplexed, and congestion-controlled streams over udp
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Secret stream backed by Noise and libsodium's secretstream
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A sparse array optimised for low memory whilst still being fast
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Universal wrapper for libcrc with a JavaScript fallback
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A series of functions to map a binary tree to a list
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Easily check if input is an options map
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Universal wrapper for libquickbit with a JavaScript fallback
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Continuous reading or writing to a file using random offsets and lengths
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Encode & decode z-base32
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A distributed networking stack for connecting peers
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Dead simple, single file, tiny byte formatter
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An iterator to iterate an array in random order with controls to requeue or dequeue elements during the iteration
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Random Access Storage instance that stores mutations in a memory overlay instead of writing them to the underlying storage

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mafintosh's profile
1345 contributions
kasperisager's profile
63 contributions
andrewosh's profile
51 contributions
chm-diederichs's profile
41 contributions
LuKks's profile
36 contributions
HDegroote's profile
34 contributions
pfrazee's profile
14 contributions
martinheidegger's profile
8 contributions
Nuhvi's profile
4 contributions
xloem's profile
4 contributions

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