

[ DEPRECATED - see https://github.com/hyperswarm/replicator for similar functionality. More info on active projects and modules at https://dat-ecosystem.org/ ]

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Support the dependencies of datproject/hyperdiscovery

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Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser
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browser-side require() the node way
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checks which modules you have used in your code and then makes sure they are listed as dependencies in your package.json
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Hypercore is a secure, distributed append-only log
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Exposes the same interface as random-access-file but instead of writing/reading data to a file it maintains it in memory
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JavaScript Standard Style
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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A network swarm that uses discovery-channel to find peers
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Dat Defaults for Discovery Swarm
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Stream that implements the hypercore protocol
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mutex lock for javascript
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Abstracts away discovery-swarm interaction with WebRTC and a websocket gateway.
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P2P Indexable Database
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Hyperdrive is a secure, real-time distributed file system

Support the repos that depend on datproject/hyperdiscovery

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Abstracts away discovery-swarm interaction with WebRTC and a websocket gateway.
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Monitor the health of a hyperdrive feed, including peer mirror percentages.
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Proxy discovery over a stream
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A tool for managing groups of hyper-readings
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collections inside of a dat
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hypercore + chat
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Use hypertrie to look up IP geolocation
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irc bot for standup meetings -> hypercore
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Experimental quick-n-dirty file sharing tool on top of dat with a staging area
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pino logger that streams to a hypercore feed
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A quick file sharing mechanism using dat libraries.
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Install My Stuff - an opinionated npm module installer
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Install My Stuff - an optionated npm module installer
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crawl the fritter network
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a cli to help with hosting hyperdbs
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View feed metadata over http
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Manage hyperdb-based archives.
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Worker for running Hugo builds from Dat sources
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Shaka Packager over the DAT network
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A demo of Dat multiwriter support (hyperdrive+hyperdb) in a PWA
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Turn a Dat into a TV
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Worker for running Hugo builds from Dat sources
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A HyperSource service based on HyperDrive that converts a Canvas Sketch project into production bundle.
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Sync all dats stored by a hypercore-archiver instance as normal Dats
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Experimental quick-n-dirty file sharing tool on top of dat
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Distributed chat
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use hypercores from the command line, peer discovery via hyperdiscovery.
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CLI for hyperdb

Top contributors

okdistribute's profile
85 contributions
joehand's profile
33 contributions
Karissa's profile
32 contributions
RangerMauve's profile
15 contributions
juliangruber's profile
11 contributions
mafintosh's profile
11 contributions
sammacbeth's profile
3 contributions
pfrazee's profile
3 contributions
max-mapper's profile
2 contributions
ninabreznik's profile
2 contributions

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