

Faster noise libp2p handshake for js-libp2p with Libsodium and Node.js crypto

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Support the dependencies of dao-xyz/js-libp2p-noise

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Read and write arbitrary bytes over a duplex stream
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Streaming length prefixed buffers with async iterables
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Read and write length-prefixed byte arrays over a duplex stream
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pair a source async iterable stream and a sink async iterable stream
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Utility to "pipe" async iterables together
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Utility functions to make dealing with Uint8Arrays easier
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TypeScript definitions for sinon
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TypeScript definitions for benchmark
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JavaScript project management
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Protobuf to ts transpiler
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
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Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js
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Fix broken node modules with no fuss
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An AssemblyScript implementation of chacha20poly1305
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An AssemblyScript implementation of SHA256
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Crypto primitives for libp2p
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The interface implemented by a libp2p node
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Implementation of @libp2p/interface-peer-id
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Typescript types for AsyncIterable sink/source/duplex streams
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Shared code to make your bundle smaller when running protons in your app
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Append and consume bytes using only no-copy operations
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Detect the current environment
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The Sodium cryptographic library compiled to pure JavaScript (wrappers)
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HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF, RFC 5869)
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SHA-256 cryptographic hash function
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Yamux stream multiplexer for libp2p
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libp2p-daemon client implementation
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API server for libp2p-daemon instances
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Compliance tests for JS libp2p interfaces
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Interoperability Tests for libp2p
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A logging component for use in js-libp2p modules
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Create PeerId instances
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A TCP transport for libp2p
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multiaddr implementation (binary + string representation of network addresses)
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TypeScript definitions for libsodium-wrappers
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Install the latest go-libp2p binary
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JavaScript implementation of libp2p, a modular peer to peer network stack

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mpetrunic's profile
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morrigan's profile
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achingbrain's profile
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mpetrun5's profile
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github-actions[bot]'s profile
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wemeetagain's profile
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