

Broccoli plugin to merge multiple trees into one

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of broccolijs/broccoli-merge-trees

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Base class for all Broccoli plugins
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Test helpers for BroccoliPlugins that make testing build and rebuild behavior dead simple and expect diff friendly.
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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run ESLint as mocha tests
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Incrementally merge directories.
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Fixture testing helpers for Broccoli

Support the repos that depend on broccolijs/broccoli-merge-trees

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Zero-config import from NPM packages
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Use Sass to preprocess your ember-cli app's files, with support for sourceMaps and include paths
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foundation of any healthy brocfile
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Internationalization for Ember projects
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Brings moment and moment-timezone into your Ember applications
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Command line tool for developing ambitious ember.js apps
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HTML5 Fetch polyfill (as an ember-addon)
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Best way to use SVG images in Ember applications
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Lodash in ES6 for Ember.js apps
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ember-cli addon for integrating SASS into ember-cli-mdc.
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The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
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Use postcss to process your css with a large selection of JavaScript plug-ins.
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Use less to preprocess your ember-cli app css
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ember-cli addon for easily loading CommonJS modules from npm via browserify.
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Easy and declarative mapping for ember.
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infinite-scroll, done right. done.
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The library of core frost components
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A Broccoli plugin which compiles TypeScript files.
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The addon provides an ember-data adapter and a storageFor computed property that persists the changes to localStorage or sessionStorage.
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An Ember CLI addon which allows you to specify styles for individual components
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A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications
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Broccoli based static site generator that outputs a JSON:API representation of your Markdown files
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Easy and extendible tooltips for Ember
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Bootstrap components for Ember.js
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The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
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Ember CLI addon for sinon.js
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The Ember approach to Material Design.
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The ember implementation of UIkit
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A client-side server to help you build, test and demo your Ember app
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Loads D3.js into your Ember application
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Ember component for embedding syntax-highlighted code samples.
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A collection of Ember computed macros

Top contributors

joliss's profile
69 contributions
stefanpenner's profile
55 contributions
rwjblue's profile
17 contributions
hjdivad's profile
13 contributions
roryokane's profile
3 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
2 contributions
csprocket777's profile
1 contributions
john-kurkowski's profile
1 contributions
locks's profile
1 contributions
inDream's profile
1 contributions

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