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Support the dependencies of blastoise/web-torrent-cli

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a few common utility template tags for ES2015
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Query your local network for DLNA enabled renderers and have them play media
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A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
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Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
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get the local network address of your machine
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Parse a torrent identifier (magnet uri, .torrent file, info hash)
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Streaming torrent client
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provides access to the windows registry through the REG tool
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yargs the modern, pirate-themed, successor to optimist.
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Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSync
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Automated semver compliant package publishing
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JavaScript Standard Style
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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extend like a boss
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Create .torrent files
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A simple static file server middleware
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In memory chunk store that is abstract-chunk-store compliant
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augment pretty-bytes to make the output a little more readable (and a little less precise)
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Find VLC player command line path
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Shareable semantic-release configuration
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Sample torrent files for the WebTorrent test suite

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