

The nodejs game engine and server that runs atgc

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support the dependencies of autogica/gunfire

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light weight option/argv parser for node, it only parses options, nothing more then that.
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browser-side require() the node way
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Makes CommonJS-incompatible modules browserifyable.
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React JSX support for Coffeescript
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Unfancy JavaScript
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browserify plugin for coffeescript with support for mixed .js and .coffee files
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Markup as CoffeeScript.
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get colors in your node.js console
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CoffeeScript template engine
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The realtime engine behind Socket.IO. Provides the foundation of a bidirectional connection between client and server
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Client for the realtime Engine
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Despite his great power, size, and rank, Fortress Maximus is a weary and reluctant warrior. Fighting is against his pacifist nature and now spends his time validating.
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Bundle modules with Browserify
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Compile CoffeeScript files
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Combine matching media queries into one media query definition. Useful for CSS generated by preprocessors using nested media queries.
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Concatenate files and generate a source map file
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Safely declare namespaces and set their properties
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Handlebars plugin for gulp
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Js minify plugin for gulp
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Rename files
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Wrap old plugins to support streams.
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Message oriented programming for JavaScript
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Primus is a simple abstraction around real-time frameworks. It allows you to easily switch between different frameworks without any code changes.
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Scale Primus across multiple servers.
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Simple emitter wrapper for Primus
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Simple multiplexing for Primus
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Redis plugin for Primus
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Redis-based room system for Primus
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Define resources with auto-binded methods that can be called remotely on top of Primus.
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Simple rooms wrapper for Primus
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A modern, high performance Redis client
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Run a series of dependent gulp tasks in order
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Simple walk is a little helper to walk folders recursively.
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Super simple, fast and easy to use tweening engine which incorporates optimised Robert Penner's equations.
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Use conventional text streams at the start of your gulp or vinyl pipelines
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Utilities for watching file trees.
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watch mode for browserify builds
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Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.js

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21 contributions

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