

browserify transform to compile coffee-script automatically

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Support the dependencies of jnordberg/coffeeify

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Converts a source-map from/to different formats and allows adding/changing properties.
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A tiny wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (Streams2/3) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
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browser-side require() the node way
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Proxies nodejs require in order to allow overriding dependencies during testing.
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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A Test-Anything-Protocol library for JavaScript
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simplified stream construction
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Run your test suite against all published versions of a dependency

Support the repos that depend on jnordberg/coffeeify

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Cypress preprocessor for bundling JavaScript via browserify
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Audio decoding framework
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A simple wave pendulum-like loading animation for the browser
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Grid Object Model
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html5 canvas game engine optimized for rapid development - command line interface
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item inventory management
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Collection of Frontend modules
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A WebSocket, with the extra awesome of client failover and autoreconnect
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DysonShell pack 工具(build for prod, watchify for dev)
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Client library for connecting to panel bridge
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a GUI window for interactively manipulating an inventory of itempiles
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A basic modal with no hidden dependencies
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Extending express.static to compile CoffeeScript with Browserify to Javascript and LESS to CSS
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Decorate the React DOM factories in case they are removed - paranoid much?
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Transmogrifies message and device schemas from version NULL to v1.0.0 for meshblu devices
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player inventory dialog (voxel.js plugin)
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Create a Promise/EventEmitter hybrid that can emit events even after being resolved
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Media Query Component for React.js
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CoffeScript starter template in React.js as server/client application.
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Modern Prototyping Framework
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coffee-react / jade / stylus middleware for Single Page Application on Express4
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Memory Leak Sleuthing
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A generic server for a simple Derby app
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Streaming sortable tables
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A generic server for a simple Derby app
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Browserify plugin for Wintersmith
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Nails Admin Interface
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A Browserify plugin for Lineman
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Personal configurable gulp config that can be used in most of projects
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An opinionated and simple build-system approach.

Top contributors

jnordberg's profile
62 contributions
thlorenz's profile
5 contributions
GeoffreyBooth's profile
4 contributions
hongymagic's profile
3 contributions
hurrymaplelad's profile
2 contributions
max-degterev's profile
2 contributions
jtmalinowski's profile
1 contributions
juanxo's profile
1 contributions
bobthecow's profile
1 contributions
tomyam1's profile
1 contributions

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