

A syntax highlighter based on TextMate grammars. ESM rewrite of shiki, with more features and capabilities.

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of antfu/shikiji

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Use the right package manager
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TypeScript definitions for fs-extra
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TypeScript definitions for node
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V8 coverage provider for Vitest
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Bump version, commit changes, tag, and push to Git
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Format various languages with formatters in ESLint
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fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.
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Scanner and parser for JSON with comments.
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Lint files staged by git
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Fast, disk space efficient package manager
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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A rollup plugin that will bundle up your .d.ts definition files.
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Seamless integration between Rollup and TypeScript. Now with errors.
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A simple, zero dependency tool for setting up git hooks for small projects
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Native-ESM powered web dev build tool
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Next generation testing framework powered by Vite
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Opinionated collection of common JavaScript / TypeScript utils by @antfu
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TypeScript definitions for hast
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A parser for ANSI escape sequences
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Support eslint.config.mjs and eslint.config.ts for ESLint
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Node.js runtime enhanced with esbuild for loading TypeScript & ESM
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markdown-it integration for shikiji
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rehype integration for shikiji
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An ESM-focused rewrite of shiki
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Collective of common transformers transformers for Shikiji
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A modern cli tool that keeps your deps fresh
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Enable Twoslash support in VitePress
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Command-line interface for all things Cloudflare Workers

Top contributors

antfu's profile
407 contributions
jxom's profile
5 contributions
uncenter's profile
4 contributions
userquin's profile
2 contributions
wststone's profile
2 contributions
ije's profile
2 contributions
Sight-wcg's profile
2 contributions
ajitzero's profile
1 contributions
AntzyMo's profile
1 contributions
ben519's profile
1 contributions

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