

A module with all generic exceptions other modules can use

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Support the dependencies of adonisjs/adonis-generic-exceptions

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MRM preset used by adonisjs for all core packages
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TypeScript definitions for node
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Git commit, but play nice with conventions.
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to
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Commitizen adapter following the conventional-changelog format.
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Lean test runner for Node.js
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Cli tool for japa test runner
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the Istanbul command line interface
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Checks package.json main and bin paths
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TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
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An extensible static analysis linter for the TypeScript language
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Improve your TSLint with the missing ESLint Rules
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Create api documentation for TypeScript projects.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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githooks management forked from husky
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Extendable error class for nodejs to extend native errors
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Upcast is a low-level JavaScript type checking and casting library
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A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
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Specify the Typedoc Module of a file using @module annotation
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Process specific typedoc @tags as single lines (instead of multiline)

Support the repos that depend on adonisjs/adonis-generic-exceptions

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Adonis framework makes it easy for you to write webapps with less code
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Easy task scheduling for AdonisJS
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Middleware base used by Http and Ws server
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Opinionated user management service for AdonisJs
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Hashids Provider for AdonisJs framework
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Mail provider for elegantly sending emails in node js.
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```` javascript const providers = [ '@adonisjs/framework/providers/AppProvider', '@adonisjs/auth/providers/AuthProvider', '@adonisjs/bodyparser/providers/BodyParserProvider', '@adonisjs/drive/providers/DriveProvider', 'adonis-drive-google/providers/DriveProvider', '@adonisjs/cors/providers/CorsProvider', '@adonisjs/lucid/providers/LucidProvider', 'adonis-bumblebee/providers/BumblebeeProvider', '@adonisjs/validator/providers/ValidatorProvider', 'adonis-lucid-filter/providers/LucidFilterProvider', '@ordent/adonis-gcp/providers/DriveProvider' ] ````
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An Restful api addon for AdonisJs 4 + MongoDB
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Unofficial and forked AdonisJs redis provider to make working with redis fun and simple.
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Localization for adonisjs app
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The Adonis Mail Notification Channel.
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Midtrans Payment Gateway for Adonis Framework
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An addon/plugin package to provide core extensions for AdonisJS 4.0+
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SQL ORM built on top of Active Record pattern
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Adonis Scout provides a driver based solution for searching your Lucid models, just like Laravel Scout.
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This repo is the official session provider for Adonisjs apps. It supports multiple drivers to store session data.
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A rate limiter for Adonis 4.1
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Mail provider for adonis framework and has support for all common mailing services to send emails
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Validator for AdonisJS
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This library provides an easy way to schedule recurring tasks for AdonisJS
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An addon/plugin package to provide Flutterwave (Rave) payment services in AdonisJS 4.0+

Top contributors

thetutlage's profile
21 contributions
moltar's profile
5 contributions
webdevian's profile
1 contributions
RomainLanz's profile
1 contributions

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