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Support the dependencies of addepar/ember-table

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Configures the consuming ember-cli app's or addon's Babel transpiler for decorators.
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Ember CLI addon for Babel
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A library for adding htmlbars to ember CLI
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Precompile inline HTMLBars templates via ES6 tagged template strings
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Use Sass to preprocess your ember-cli app's files, with support for sourceMaps and include paths
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Determine if your addon is being used by a minimum version of Ember CLI.
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Zero-cost compatibility flags and helpers for Ember.js
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TypeScript definitions for ember
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Custom parser for ESLint
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broccoli asset revisions (fingerprint)
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Broccoli plugin that allows you to filter files selected from an input node down based on regular expressions.
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Broccoli plugin to merge multiple trees into one
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Service for making AJAX requests in Ember applications.
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Command line tool for developing ambitious ember.js apps
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Easy, beautiful docs for your OSS Ember addons
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YUIDoc plugin for ember-cli-addon-docs
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Ember CLI addon for detecting missing npm and bower dependencies before executing ember commands
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A deployment pipeline for ember-cli apps
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A Build Plugin for ember-cli-deploy
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a deploy plugin for uploading to git, including GitHub Pages.
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Ember-cli eslint support, for checking your application matches your coding standards.
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Plugin for ember-cli that injects live-reload script into HTML content.
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QUnit testing package for ember-cli applications
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SRI generation for Ember CLI
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JavaScript minification for Ember-CLI
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Disable Ember's prototype extensions.
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Broccoli plugin to replace a matched string with a replacement.
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infinite-scroll, done right. done.
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CSS-Element-Queries Polyfill. Proof-of-concept for high-speed element dimension/media queries in valid css.
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A polyfill for Ember.assign in <= 2.4
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The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
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Backwards compatibility for ES classes in Ember
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The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
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Enabling better Test selectors in Ember.js applications.
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An Ember addon for Fastboot-enabled userAgent parsing via UAParser.js.
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A javascript library for multi-touch gestures
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Shared styles and helper for ICE components
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Addepar eslint-config
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Addepar's Prettier config
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Addepar sass-lint configuration
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Broccoli plugin for referring to source directories on the file system
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The future of accessibility testing in Ember
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The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
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The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
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Useful decorators for Ember applications.

Support the repos that depend on this repository

Top contributors

dependabot[bot]'s profile
102 contributions
bantic's profile
100 contributions
pzuraq's profile
84 contributions
mixonic's profile
73 contributions
billy-addepar's profile
66 contributions
korczis's profile
44 contributions
addepar-andy's profile
22 contributions
ahmacleod's profile
18 contributions
cyril-sf's profile
18 contributions
kpfefferle's profile
18 contributions

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