

Ember CLI plugin for Babel

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of babel/ember-cli-babel

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This plugin transforms static class properties as well as properties declared with the property initializer syntax
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Compile class and object decorators to ES5
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This plugin transforms private class methods
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This plugin transforms checks for a private property in an object
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Externalise references to helpers and builtins, automatically polyfilling your code without polluting globals
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Transform TypeScript into
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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babel's modular runtime helpers
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AMD module name resolver algorithm
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Module resolver plugin for Babel
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A Broccoli plugin which transpile ES6 to readable ES5 by using babel.
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Broccoli plugin that allows you to filter files selected from an input node down based on regular expressions.
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deep cloning of objects and arrays
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Utilities for managing installed Babel plugins in an Ember app or addon
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a special purpose fast memoizing way to resolve a node modules package.json
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The semantic version parser used by npm.
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Babel compiler core.
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The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
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Helpers for testing Ember.js applications
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Glimmer property tracking library
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release-it plugin for lerna-changelog
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Custom parser for ESLint
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Test helpers for BroccoliPlugins that make testing build and rebuild behavior dead simple and expect diff friendly.
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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a few common utility template tags for ES2015
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Standard library
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A lightweight implementation of OOP Class in JavaScript
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Zero-config import from NPM packages
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Command line tool for developing ambitious ember.js apps
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Ember CLI addon for detecting missing npm and bower dependencies before executing ember commands
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A library for adding htmlbars to ember CLI
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Plugin for ember-cli that injects live-reload script into HTML content.
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A tiny add-on to autoload your initializer files in ember-cli.
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QUnit helpers for testing Ember.js applications
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The default modules based resolver for Ember CLI.
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Helper functions on Babel compilation targets
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Transform class static blocks
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This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to AMD
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Debug macros and feature flag stripping
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Polyfill for EmberData Packages API.
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Enable easy debugging of broccoli pipelines with broccoli-debug!
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Broccoli plugin for referring to source directories on the file system
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ember-cli addon tree cache key builder
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Determine if your addon is being used by a minimum version of Ember CLI.
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A set of utilities to transform strings
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Glimmer component library
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common interface for abstracting a console ui

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Top contributors

rwjblue's profile
448 contributions
stefanpenner's profile
114 contributions
bertdeblock's profile
91 contributions
Turbo87's profile
63 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
34 contributions
jamescdavis's profile
28 contributions
gordonkristan's profile
19 contributions
runspired's profile
13 contributions
ef4's profile
13 contributions
NullVoxPopuli's profile
11 contributions

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