

A simple, data-driven module for creating a usage guide.

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of 75lb/command-line-usage

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Generates markdown API documentation from jsdoc annotated source code
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Guarantees an array back
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Isomorphic, functional type-checking for Javascript
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Fully-featured, lightweight command-line test runner
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Stylable text tables, handling ansi colour. Useful for console output.

Support the repos that depend on 75lb/command-line-usage

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Convert a directory tree to a JS object.
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Generates markdown API documentation from jsdoc annotated source code
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Build and load native Rust/Neon modules.
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A Typescript wrapper around command-line-args with additional support for markdown usage guide generation
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Apache Arrow columnar in-memory format
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Dev server for web applications
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Storybook configuration following open-wc recommendations
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NodeJS tool to manage wifi
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Rename files in bulk
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Test runner for web applications
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A simple dev server for bower components
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Auto-add help and version CLI and update notification checks
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Process Web Components into one output file
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Development server for modern web apps
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The Connect SDK is a TypeScript SDK for interacting with the chains Wormhole supports and the [protocols](#protocols) built on top of Wormhole.
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Make an HTML file with inline scripts CSP compliant
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Minimal CSS, fast
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A commandline tool for Polymer projects
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CLI and JS library for uploading source maps to Bugsnag
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💬 🤖 The most reliable NodeJS whatsapp library for chatbots with advanced features.
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Design with code, powered by your own component library
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Topcoder collection of generic ReactJS components and utils
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This project demonstrates a basic Hardhat use case. It comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, and a script that deploys that contract.
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Package for converting Avro schema files (.avsc) to TypeScript class files
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Home automation node API for Fritz!Box, Fritz!DECT and FRITZ!Powerline devices
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A lean, modular web server for rapid full-stack development
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wolkenkit is an open-source CQRS and event-sourcing framework for JavaScript and Node.js that perfectly matches DDD.
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Automatically create mock objects and JSON from TypeScript interfaces via Faker
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Generic CLI helper

Top contributors

75lb's profile
249 contributions
j-oliveras's profile
1 contributions
AriLFrankel's profile
1 contributions

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