

Vue 3 CodeBlock - Highlight your code with ease using this syntax highlighting component powered by PrismJS or Highlight.js.

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Support the dependencies of webdevnerdstuff/vue-code-block

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Syntax highlighting with language autodetection.
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Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data. Supports browser & node.js environment
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The progressive JavaScript framework for building modern web UI.
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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Official Vue component for Font Awesome 6
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A collection of stylistic/formatting Stylelint rules
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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eslint plugin for vue-cli
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local service for vue-cli projects
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ESLint config for TypeScript + Vue.js projects
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js
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Publish to a gh-pages branch on GitHub (or any other branch on any other remote)
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Modern native Git hooks
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A JavaScript implementation of many web standards
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Lint files staged by git
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PostCSS syntax for parsing HTML (and HTML-like)
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Seamless integration between Rollup and PostCSS
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Seamless integration between Rollup and TypeScript. Now with errors.
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A pure JavaScript implementation of Sass.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting. A spin-off project from Dabblet.
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Dist for Material Design Webfont. This includes the Stock and Community icons in a single webfont collection.
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TypeScript definitions for prismjs
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Intuitive, type safe and flexible Store for Vue
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Rollup multiple .scss, .sass and .css imports
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Register global imports on demand for Vite and Webpack

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Top contributors

webdevnerdstuff's profile
464 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
2 contributions
kymtwyf's profile
1 contributions

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