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Support the dependencies of wearefractal/fission

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Standalone version of Backbone.Events
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browser-side require() the node way
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JSHint plugin for gulp
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Rename files
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Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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Run mocha browser tests in phantomjs via the command line
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test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions
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Convert streaming vinyl files to use buffers
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Use conventional text streams at the start of your gulp or vinyl pipelines
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A mixin for extending ampersand-collection with restful methods.
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JS class extension tool for enabling easily extending prototype with multiple objects.
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A mixin for extending ampersand-collection with underscore methods.
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An extension to ampersand-state that adds methods and properties for working with a RESTful API.
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Provides sync behavior for updating data from ampersand models and collections to the server.
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A mixin for providing sync methods to Collection
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Underscore's extend method as a standalone Common JS module.
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Tiny client-side router
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Sugar for reusing a paths object to watch and run gulp tasks
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Open files and URLs with gulp

Top contributors

stephenlacy's profile
102 contributions
funkytek's profile
75 contributions
stevelacy's profile
18 contributions
yocontra's profile
3 contributions
miql's profile
1 contributions
randylubin's profile
1 contributions

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