

node.js client for Etsy'd StatsD server extended with Datadog's histogram and tags.

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Support the repos that depend on vanchi-zendesk/dogstatsd-node

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Atomist API for software low-level client
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OnCore Library
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Chauffeur Privé's statsd configuration
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OnCore Library
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Datadog performance metrics for node mongodb client
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node client for StatsD server with datadog extensions
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Http Client for Tenfold projects
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stethoskop measures application fitness.
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Some added sugar on top of express to give our our some sensible defaults and a little structure.
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StatsD connector for Node Application Metrics
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OnCore Library
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OnCore Library
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Make sure you know when your Node.js process crashes: output the error to stderr, append it to a file, send it via email, and send it via SMS. Cover all your bases in case of loss of filesystem access or internet connectivity.
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A stream based instrumentation tool
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A rock solid, dynamic DNS server with swappable backends and CRUD API
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Submits webpagetest results to hipchat, statsd, and logstash
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Shared types for
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MakeAPI for Webmaker
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Don't just let your server crash on an unhandled error, finish everything you were doing first. Multiple techniques used to ensure your clients don't get socket hang-ups. Cluster support and graceful shutdown on SIGTERM too!
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IRIS - Stats collection utilities
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StatsD's client for CARTO services
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Provides metaprogramming methods to inject StatsD instrumentation using node-statsd
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OnCore Library
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Zetta Toolkit - Utilities for interfacing with StatsD & Graphite
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A rock solid, dynamic DNS server with swappable backends and CRUD API
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Node business-driven loadbalancer
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Bootstrap your APIs taking advantage of the best community modules
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PhantomJS-based web performance metrics collector
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evented routing for nodejs for use on the server and in the client. Isomorphic!
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An express middleware that automatically hooks in to forte perf and analytics

Top contributors

devdazed's profile
26 contributions
vanchi-zendesk's profile
13 contributions
sivy's profile
8 contributions
humphd's profile
3 contributions
Dieterbe's profile
2 contributions
kbourgoin's profile
2 contributions
salty-horse's profile
2 contributions
pifantastic's profile
1 contributions
tmm1's profile
1 contributions
rcrowley's profile
1 contributions

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