

Create a readable stream for generating pseudorandom numbers drawn from a normal distribution.

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Test if an object has a specified property.
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Test if a value is a boolean.
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Test if a value is an Error object.
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Test if a value is a number having an integer value.
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Test if a value is a number having a nonnegative integer value.
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Test if a value is a number having a nonnegative value.
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Test if a value is a number.
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Test if a value is a plain object.
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Test if a value is a number having a positive integer value.
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Test if a value is a number having a positive value.
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Test if a value is a string.
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Test if a value is a Uint8Array.
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Allocate a buffer containing a provided string.
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Command-line interface.
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Read the entire contents of a file.
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Write data to a file.
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Test if a double-precision floating-point numeric value is NaN.
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Copy enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object.
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Return the current working directory.
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Normally distributed pseudorandom numbers.
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Insert supplied variable values into a format string.
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stdlib TypeScript type declarations.
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Define a non-enumerable property.
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Define a non-enumerable read-only property.
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Define a read-only accessor.
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Implement prototypical inheritance by replacing the prototype of one constructor with the prototype of another constructor.
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Add a callback to the next tick queue.
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Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser
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Node.js Streams, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js
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Format an error message for production.
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Check if the runtime is a web browser.
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Test if a value is a Buffer object.
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Test if a value is a Uint32Array.
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Boolean indicating if the current process is running on Windows.
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Maximum unsigned 32-bit integer.
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Test whether a path exists on the filesystem.
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Absolute pathname of the executable which started the current Node.js process.
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A linear congruential pseudorandom number generator (LCG) based on Park and Miller.
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Writable stream for inspecting streamed data.
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Replace search occurrences with a replacement string.
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Time in seconds since the epoch.
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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Proxies nodejs require in order to allow overriding dependencies during testing.
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Copy values from x into y.
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Allocate a buffer using an octet array.
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Define a read-write accessor.
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Remove a directory entry.

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