

An alternative Secure Scuttlebutt client interface that is fully compatible with Patchwork

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Support the dependencies of ssbc/patchbay

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Simple HTML5 charts using the canvas element.
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Default application menu for Electron apps
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The iconic font and CSS framework
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Syntax highlighting with language autodetection.
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JSON for Humans
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Lightweight npm postinstall message to invite people to donate to your collective
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an inbox for the patchcore ecosystem
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The patchbay code for integrating scuttle-book
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Plugs patch-gatherings into patchbay
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a view into the world of hacky~art
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a pull-stream which may be aborted
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merge a pull stream
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minimal pull stream
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require a whole directory of trees in bulk
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cross-platform command script as subset of bash
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Seed and track locally shared files as dat links
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Tools for dealing with DataURLs
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helper function to create nested objects, best used with depject
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Implement spellchecking, correctly
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Implement spellchecking, correctly
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tabbed interface with hyperscript
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A simple calendar component
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A CSS preprocessor that provides a simplified object orientated approach to css. The syntax is very similar to CSS but encourages better reuse of classes and discourages high specificity.
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Create observables and map them to DOM elements. Massively inspired by hyperscript and observ-*. No virtual dom, just direct observable bindings. Unnecessary garbage collection is avoided by using mutable objects instead of blasting immutable junk all over the place.
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An infinite scroller fed by pull-streams
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a fork of open-dyslexic you can include in your Node project with require-style
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noto fonts emoji
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A history module for patchcore compatable apps.
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The commons suggesters for text fields - for patch-* family apps
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a patchbay interface for dark-crystal (scuttlebutt based secret sharing)
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localStorge based settings module for patch-* related apps
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figure out a meeting time with friends, (like doodle, but for scuttlebutt)
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minimal core for ssb clients
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Read a directory of files
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require modules that target css in electron or the browser
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a scuttlebutt helper for all blog related messages
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a scuttlebutt helper for all book related messages
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scuttlebutt helper threads

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mixmix's profile
995 contributions
dominictarr's profile
457 contributions
arj03's profile
176 contributions
clehner's profile
107 contributions
Happy0's profile
81 contributions
evbogue's profile
58 contributions
christianbundy's profile
48 contributions
ahdinosaur's profile
18 contributions
cryptix's profile
14 contributions
pietgeursen's profile
12 contributions

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