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Support the dependencies of skyway/js-sdk

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TypeScript definitions for jasmine
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TypeScript definitions for jasmine-ajax
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TypeScript definitions for jest
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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Browser running for Vitest
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An extremely fast JavaScript and CSS bundler and minifier.
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ESLint rule that reports usage of deprecated code
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository
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A high-level API to automate web browsers
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A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
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Create api documentation for TypeScript projects.
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A plugin for TypeDoc that enables TypeScript API documentation to be generated in Markdown.
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TypeDoc plugin which replaces z.infer<typeof x> with the inferred type
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Next generation testing framework powered by Vite
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A tool for writing better scripts
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A library for faking Ajax responses in your Jasmine suite
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VS Code's 'Organize imports' executable from command line

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shinyoshiaki's profile
16 contributions
shisoAqron's profile
7 contributions
yukotayuki's profile
4 contributions
e5pe0n's profile
3 contributions
tetrapod117's profile
2 contributions
kadoshita's profile
1 contributions

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