

Mesh your Seneca.js microservices together - no more service discovery!

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Support the dependencies of rjrodger/seneca-mesh

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Node.js module to resolve network interfaces.
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Easily join SWIM networks
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assertion library
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HTTP Server framework
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Test utility
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io
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A Microservices Framework for Node.js
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Seneca client-side load balancing transport.
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Seneca key value registry for Consul.
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A dynamic JSON parser that isn't strict and can be customized.
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Automatically discover your nodejs instances with built-in support for automatic single master and capability advertising.
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Process and validate options for your module.
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Provides a client and server REPL for Seneca microservice systems.
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Nice clean-mouthed random id generation, without any swearing!

Support the repos that depend on rjrodger/seneca-mesh

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A micro-service that provides Github related information to NodeZoo
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Frontend for NodeZoo
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nodezoo.com micro-service handling travis meta data
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A message dequeuer for nodezoo
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Seneca plugin for Concorda system
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Concorda REST API implementation
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A mesh base for Nodezoo
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nodezoo.com micro-service handling module info.
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A microservice that handles npm data for nodezoo.com
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Concorda's plugin for client applications
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A service container for seneca microservice
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A runtime container for seneca microservice in development
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Metric collection for nodezoo
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Concorda's plugin for client applications
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Seneca mesh for aws
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A simple HAPI server that expose a REST API protected by Concorda user management service
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A reporting dashboard written in node
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A user management system written in node
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nodezoo.com micro-service handling Coveralls meta data

Top contributors

rjrodger's profile
116 contributions
mihaidma's profile
8 contributions
mcdonnelldean's profile
7 contributions
dikarel's profile
1 contributions

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