

Process and validate options for your module.

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of rjrodger/optioner

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General purpose node utilities
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Object schema validation
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assertion library
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Test utility
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io

Support the repos that depend on rjrodger/optioner

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Mesh your Seneca.js microservices together - no more service discovery!
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Seneca plugin: seneca-repl
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Easily join SWIM networks
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Seneca plugin for user and group permissions.
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Structured testing of seneca plugin messages.
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Easily join SWIM networks
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Mesh your Seneca.js microservices together - no more service discovery!
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A fast and stable microservice framework, mostly compatible with senecas user API
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Seneca plugin providing messages for a generic key-value store.
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Seneca plugin for user and group permissions.
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Easily join SWIM networks
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Seneca client-side load balancing transport.
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A Microservices Framework for Node.js
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Seneca plugin providing messages for a redis key-value store.
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Mesh your Seneca.js microservices together - no more service discovery!
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Seneca plugin to add user ownership annotations to entities.

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rjrodger's profile
42 contributions

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