

The most powerful data validation library for JS

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This is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/packages/create-next-app).
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HTTP Server framework
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Configuration API
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Blazing fast modern site generator for React
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Converts xml to json and vice-versa, using node-expat.
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Static file and directory handlers plugin for hapi.js
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Templates rendering plugin support for hapi.js
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Node.js client for OAuth2
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shared utilities for vue-cli packages
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wait-on is a cross platform command line utility and Node.js API which will wait for files, ports, sockets, and http(s) resources to become available
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Server and process monitoring plugin
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Console broadcasting for Good process monitor
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A joi validation middleware for Express.
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express-validation is a middleware that validates a request and returns a response with errors; if any of the configured validation rules fail.
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blipp is a simple hapi plugin to display the routes table at startup
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Gatsby command-line interface for creating new sites and running Gatsby commands
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Node validation utility functions for Docusaurus packages.
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Proxy handler plugin for hapi.js
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Common types for Docusaurus packages.
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Server composer for hapi.js
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Taro Service
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Web3-Onboard makes it simple to connect Ethereum hardware and software wallets to your dapp. Features standardised spec compliant web3 providers for all supported wallets, framework agnostic modern javascript UI with code splitting, CSS customization, multi-chain and multi-account support, reactive wallet state subscriptions and real-time transaction state change notifications.
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Core utils for Medusa
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TypeScript definitions for hapi
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Cookie authentication plugin
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From simple task of Oolong testing, created and improved to the finest perfection of data rolling. Calculating simple median.
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From simple task of Oolong testing, created and improved to the finest perfection of data rolling. Calculating simple median.
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From simple task of Oolong testing, created and improved to the finest perfection of data rolling. Calculating simple median.
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From simple task of Oolong testing, created and improved to the finest perfection of data rolling. Calculating simple median.

Top contributors

Marsup's profile
823 contributions
hueniverse's profile
605 contributions
geek's profile
104 contributions
thegoleffect's profile
76 contributions
WesTyler's profile
32 contributions
danielb2's profile
16 contributions
kanongil's profile
15 contributions
BolajiOlajide's profile
14 contributions
arb's profile
11 contributions
DavidTPate's profile
11 contributions

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