

Represent a minecraft entity

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Support the dependencies of prismarinejs/prismarine-entity

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Wrapper for a minecraft chat message
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Represent a minecraft item with its associated data
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3d vector math with good unit tests
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TypeScript definitions for node
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Represent a minecraft entity
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JavaScript Standard Style

Support the repos that depend on prismarinejs/prismarine-entity

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create minecraft bots with a stable, high level API
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A minecraft server written in node.js
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A library allowing users to easily design and control Regression Games bots in a variety of games
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A state machine plugin for Mineflayer to aid in designing more complex behavior trees.
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A collection of small utility classes, functions, and events which work nicely with Mineflayer.
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A minecraft server written in TS
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Allows your bot to automatically equip Totems
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Detect cause of attacks on entites.
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Utilities for the Regression Games Capture the Flag game mode
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A fork to mineflayer-collectblock that is updated to the latest version of collectblock
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Detect entites attacking each other in mineflayer
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A minecraft server written in node.js
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mineflayer internal plugins
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create minecraft bots with a stable, high level API
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create minecraft bots with a stable, high level API
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A library allowing users to easily design and control Regression Games bots in a variety of games

Top contributors

rom1504's profile
20 contributions
u9g's profile
9 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
7 contributions
TheDudeFromCI's profile
4 contributions
rom1504bot's profile
4 contributions
Epirito's profile
3 contributions
mat-1's profile
2 contributions
IdanHo's profile
2 contributions
IceTank's profile
1 contributions

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